Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Flappers and Philosophers

  • ssharifhas quoted7 years ago
    brought up on memories instead of money.
  • birdinbluehas quoted12 years ago
    life is just a progression toward, and then a recession from, one phrase—'I love you.'"
  • birdinbluehas quoted12 years ago
    "Go on," she urged. "Lie to me by the moonlight. Do a fabulous story."
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    For another instant life was radiant and time a phantom and their strength eternal
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    The dew rose and turned to golden mist, thin as a dream, enveloping them until they seemed gossamer relics of the late night, infinitely transient and already fading. For a moment sea and sky were breathless, and dawn held a pink hand over the young mouth of life
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    feel quite mad—but delightfully mad!"

    "We're enchanted
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    I'd have enjoyed astonishing you—watching your eyes open on things. If you only wanted things! Don't you see?"
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    I thought you weren't afraid."

    "I never am—but I won't throw my life away just to show one man I'm not."
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    watching the day fade colorfully and tragically into the infinite langour of a tropical evening
  • Zoe Bernardohas quoted8 days ago
    And it was with his glad sigh of relief when her light watery laughter curled up the side of the cliff and into his anxious ears that he knew he loved her
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