‘The fact is, and just between you and me, I really am not powerful. As a result I probably feel no less respect for the powerful than you do, but I am not as honest as you and won’t always admit it.’
Alexa Gracehas quoted8 months ago
‘One ought not to judge too early.
swapnaneel03has quotedlast year
a bell rang there with a lively, cheerful note, although the sound was painful too, and made his heart quail momentarily as if threatened with getting what it vaguely desired.
b7572499186has quoted3 years ago
‘That’s enough of this farce,’
razhas quoted4 years ago
It just showed how any carelessness in procedure or easygoing attitude was appropriate only in direct contact with the authorities, while elsewhere great caution was necessary, and you had to look round on all sides before taking any step.