
Raffles, Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman

  • jackhas quoted2 years ago
    no sinecure if you get the billet.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    "It's not only been the best time I ever had, old Bunny, but I'm not half sure—"
    Of what I can but guess; the sentence was not finished, and never could be in this world.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    "It was I who let you in for this," he said, at his bandolier again.
    "No, I'm glad I came out."
    And I believe I still was, in a way; for it WAS rather fine to be wounded, just then, with the pain growing less; but the sensation was not to last me many minutes, and I can truthfully say that I have never felt it since.
    "Ah, but you haven't had such a good time as I have!"
    "Perhaps not."
    Had his voice vibrated, or had I imagined it?
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    He was talking all the time, but for my sake, and I knew it. Can you wonder that I could not see an inch beyond him? He was the battle to me then; he is the whole war to me as I look back now.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    The bullet went clean through my thigh, drilling the bone, but happily missing the sciatic nerve; thus the mere pain was less than it might have been, but of course I went over in a light-brown heap. We were advancing on our stomachs to take the hill, and thus extend our position, and it was at this point that the fire became too heavy for us, so that for hours (in the event) we moved neither forward nor back.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    But Raffles never wavered for an instant, though his face was tragic, and it went to my heart, where that look stays still. I remember at the time, though I never let my hold relax, there was a moment when I added my entreaties to those of our prisoner. Raffles did not even reply to me. But I was thinking of him, I swear. I was thinking of that gray set face that I never saw before or after.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    "I thought you were dead."
    "Now you see I am not."
    "But you are at your old games!"
    "I am not," cried Raffles, and his tone was new to me. I have seldom heard one more indignant.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    "It's on the knees of the gods, Bunny, whether we do or we don't, and thinking won't make us see over their shoulders."
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    Then I went down like an ox, and Raffles came out of his tent. Their fight lasted twenty minutes, and Raffles was marked, but the net result was dreadfully conventional, for the bully was a bully no more.
  • ksynonymhas quoted8 years ago
    spare but wiry, alert, laughing, flushed from his wintry walk; and as I looked, all the years that I had known him, and more besides, slipped from him in my eyes. I saw him captain of the eleven at school. I saw him running with the muddy ball on days like this, running round the other fifteen as a sheep-dog round a flock of sheep. He had his cap on still, and but for the gray hairs underneath—but here I lost him in a sudden mist. It was not sorrow at his going, for I did not mean to let him go alone. It was enthusiasm, admiration, affection, and also, I believe, a sudden regret that he had not always appealed to that part of my nature to which he was appealing now. It was a little thrill of penitence. Enough of it.
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