Everybody has disabled people somewhere in their family tree. Lots of people are born disabled due to genetic reasons or as the result of pregnancy complications. People get injured or acquire debilitating diseases at some point in life. I've lived with both, a disabled relative and serious injuries of my own. The thing is that the world goes on. It doesn't slow down or stop just because someone is disabled. We can do so much politically and the rest we have to do on our own to fit into the world somehow in a useful, productive way to get the money we want to buy the things that will help us survive and enjoy our lives more. The best thing I ever saw about disabilities was the 1940s movie called Shaggy Bush which was a movie about a family going through ups and downs. There was a bit in there where the mother said her daughter's disability didn't mean she was doomed. It just meant that she would still do what she felt in her spirit with her life with this extra nuisance to deal with.