Alexander von Humboldt

Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 3

651 printed pages
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  • guillermo armenta quinterohas quoted6 years ago
    Thus we find the general results of comparative hydrography in the astrological monuments, the divisions of time and the religious traditions of nations the most remote from each other in their situation and in their degree of intellectual advancement
  • guillermo armenta quinterohas quoted6 years ago
    These two Mexican signs are Water (Atl) and Cipactli, the sea-monster furnished with a horn. This animal is at once the Antelope-fish of the Hindoos, the Capricorn of our zodiac, the Deucalion of the Greeks, and the Noah (Coxcox) of the Azteks.* (* Coxcox
  • guillermo armenta quinterohas quoted6 years ago
    al cycles, divisions of time, have been gradually transformed into divisions of space; but the generality of the physical phenomena of the risings seems to prove that the zodiac which has been transmitted to us by the Greeks, and which, by the precession of the equinoxes, becomes an historical monument of high antiquity, may have taken birth far from Thebes, and from the sacred valley of the Nile.

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