“A river winds, around the neck of time
The reeds and the memories, the fables and rhymes…”
The author of The Water Tower returns with a tender collection of writings, steeped in the landscape of his North West hometown.
The Ten People You Meet is a delicately constructed, thought-provoking anthology which offers a powerful and fresh exploration of familiar motifs. Through the eyes of its diverse cast of characters, themes such as love and loss are re-examined with a generous honesty, blending sorrowful reflections and candid narratives with the author’s customary humour and endearing optimism. Each study is painted large across an original and authentic canvas, upon which we find a carefully crafted series of still lifes.
Also included is The Gospel — a unique, interconnected cycle of lyrics encompassing meditations on faith, distance, remorse and redemption — featuring Conversations with God, Ascension and the breath-taking Amor.
Incorporating poetry, prose, and a selection of Chris Vobe’s own photographs — and littered with moments of mesmerising beauty — The Ten People You Meet seeks to redefine the nature of an anthology, delivering a commanding, immersive portrait of life, death and our relationship with God.
Containing the short stories “The Christmas Bauble”, “The Wolf” and “Fishing” — a brand new tale set in Little Bassington featuring the characters Adam Chapman and Clarissa Clements from Chris Vobe’s acclaimed debut The Water Tower.