Theresa Francis-Cheung

Self-esteem: The Lazy Person’s Guide!

  • krstlannhas quotedlast year
    Improving your self-esteem isn’t about becoming selfish, loud, competitive and arrogant. It’s about taking care of yourself so that you have the strength and energy to help and give to others when appropriate.
  • Mariel Bonayoghas quotedyesterday
    when self-esteem is low you are not in the driving seat. Other people or events are steering the wheel, while you crouch in the back wondering where they will take you next.
  • Mariel Bonayoghas quotedyesterday
    Whatever the cause, when self-esteem is low, the world you live in is a frightening and unpredictable one because you are always dependent on the whims of others or the turn of events.
  • Mariel Bonayoghas quotedyesterday
    You need to feel relaxed and happy in all aspects of your life to function optimally.
  • Chelsea Kaluhonihas quoted6 days ago
    You’ve had a glance at the vast array of self-esteem books on the shelves and been daunted.
  • Yong Qinghas quoted17 days ago
    You may feel confident at work and insecure in your relationships or vice versa.
  • Yong Qinghas quoted17 days ago
    ‘life is just a bowl of cherries’.
  • Khrisiah Punayhas quotedlast month
    -esteem will not improve if you can’t free yourself from the past.
  • Khrisiah Punayhas quotedlast month
    And it’s when you aren’t being yourself that self-esteem is low.
  • Khrisiah Punayhas quotedlast month
    Improving your self-esteem isn’t about becoming selfish, loud, competitive and arrogant. It’s about taking care of yourself so that you have the strength and energy to help and give to others when appropriate. It’s about being open-minded, assertive and confident in your abilities.
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