Without proper insulin levels, our cells are unable to absorb glucose or amino acids from the bloodstream, and this is life threatening
b5470620485has quoted2 years ago
Milk and Insulin
b5470620485has quoted2 years ago
protein and carbohydrates and insulin release.
b5470620485has quoted2 years ago
sugar (carbohydrate) or glucose raises insulin, protein can do it, too
b5470620485has quoted2 years ago
When there is more sugar in the bloodstream than is required for cellular needs, insulin will store that sugar in the liver, mostly as triglyc
b5470620485has quoted2 years ago
When glucose levels in the blood become elevated, insulin transports the glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells for storage.
b5470620485has quoted3 years ago
b5470620485has quoted3 years ago
not all types of carbohydrate calories are processed equally in the body
b5470620485has quoted3 years ago
Meals with the same calories can produce dramatically different metabolic outcomes a few hours later.
b5470620485has quoted3 years ago
The instant-oatmeal group ate substantially more calories (1,400 calories) compared to the steel-cut oats group (900 calories) and omelet-with-fruit group (750 calories).