She must have been much admired for her beauty in those halcyon days before she had arrived at the palace, but when she got here, she discovered she had known as much about the outside world as a frog who had spent its life in a well.
kierstendeavy6has quoted7 months ago
“My sincere apologies,” Maomao said. “I couldn’t think of compensation that would be worthy of you, Master Jinshi.” Would’ve been rude to give a eunuch an invitation to a brothel, right?
elizabethmarch23has quotedlast year
Maomao was a relatively objective thinker for a girl of seventeen, but she had a few qualities that continually dogged her. For one, curiosity; and for another, a hunger for knowledge. And then there was her budding sense of justice.
vxcybkyxb7has quotedlast year
It was always possible he was the current emperor’s guardian, but considering Jinshi looked to be about twenty years old, it was hard to imagine. Maybe he was the son of the Emperor or something, but then why become a eunuch?
Dương Thùyhas quoted18 days ago
What I wouldn’t give for some good street-stall meat skewers
dearly dreamerhas quoted25 days ago
When one let oneself become too attached to custom, one ceased to be capable of discovering even the most minor innovations.
dearly dreamerhas quoted25 days ago
He was so lovely, he could have been a painting.
dearly dreamerhas quoted25 days ago
And her intuition had an annoying habit of being right.
Iga Indahhas quotedlast month
curiosity; and for another, a hunger for knowledge. And then there was her budding sense of justice.
dearly dreamerhas quotedlast month
if only she could bottle love. What a medicine it would be, that could make a woman so beautiful!