“When I watch you sleep,” he said shakily, “I feel overwhelmed that you exist.”
Reem Bushrahas quoted4 years ago
For January, I don’t care how the story ends as long as I spend it with you.
Yelena Jetpyspayevahas quoted2 years ago
h1221has quoted19 hours ago
“It’s why I asked about them,” he said. “I thought it was the nicest dedication I’d ever read.”
h1221has quoted19 hours ago
But the worst thing, the hardest thing, had turned out to be being angry with someone you couldn’t fight it out with.
h1221has quotedyesterday
If I wrote this scene, it wouldn’t be about us.
h1221has quotedyesterday
“You can just give me three dollars when I take you home, and then if I ever find out I need an organ, we can circle back.”
h1221has quotedyesterday
He fit so perfectly into the love story I’d imagined for myself that I mistook him for the love of my life.
h1221has quotedyesterday
I was the same me I’d always been. I’d just stopped trying to glow in the dark for him, or anyone else.
h1221has quotedyesterday
I know feeling small gets to some people, he had once told me, but I kind of like it. Takes the pressure off when you’re just one life of six billion at any given moment.