Ask anyone that’s ever lived with roommates if they have any horror stories, and they’ll likely have their fair share.
We’ve all got a horror story or two – from moving in with friends or relatives, to sharing an apartment with people that started out as complete strangers, there always seemed to be some level of craziness that we found ourselves living with at one point or another.
The main reason why I wrote this eBook is because I know that a great many of the bad experiences people have had while living with roommates could have easily been avoided had they just done some things a little differently. Just in the small ways we interact (or don’t interact) with the people we live with can, many times, be the very root of all those roommate horror stories we've come away with.
So like most bad experiences in life, we can learn new ways and ideas on how to deal with them or even prevent them from happening again. That’s what we’re going to do here.