
Vincent Van Gogh

  • Yanna Yannahas quoted2 years ago
    Like everyone else, I need friendly or affectionate relationships or intimate companionship, and am not made of stone or iron like a pump or a lamppost, and like any man of culture or decency I cannot do without these things and not feel a void, a lack of something
  • Yanna Yannahas quoted2 years ago
    what preys on my mind is simply this one question: what am I good for, could I not be of service or use in some way, how can I become more knowledgeable and study some subject or other in depth?
  • Lovianty Bhas quotedlast year
    “I should like to be with a woman for a change, I cannot live without love, without a woman. I would not value life at all, if there were not something infinite, something deep, something real.
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