Kaveh Akbar

  • pililararthas quoted2 years ago
    Regarding loss, I’m afraid

    to keep it in the story,
  • pililararthas quoted2 years ago
    Upon landing, the ground

    embraced me sadly, with the gentleness

    of someone delivering tragic news to a child.
  • Anaghahas quoted2 months ago
    am not a slow learner I am a quick forgetter
  • Anaghahas quoted2 months ago
    It’s serious business, this living.

    As long as the earth continues

    its stony breathing, I will breathe.
  • CrushedUnderAStackOfBookshas quoted2 years ago
    Sometimes God comes to earth disguised as rust,

    chewing away a chain link fence or mariner’s knife.
  • CrushedUnderAStackOfBookshas quoted2 years ago
    Listen to me, faithful silence: somehow

    we’ve become strangers.
  • CrushedUnderAStackOfBookshas quoted2 years ago
    afterwards the others dream

    of rain their pupils boil they light black candles

    and pray the only prayer they know oh lord

    spare this body set fire to another
  • CrushedUnderAStackOfBookshas quotedlast year
    may God beat

    us awake scourge our brains to life may we measure every victory

    by the momentary absence of pain there is no solace in history this is a gift

    we are given at birth a pocket we fold into at death goodbye now you mountain
  • CrushedUnderAStackOfBookshas quotedlast year
    I’m becoming more a vessel of memories than a person it’s a myth

    that love lives in the heart it lives in the throat we push it out

    when we speak when we gasp we take a little for ourselves

    in books love can be war-ending a soldier drops his sword

    to lie forking oysters into his enemy’s mouth in life we hold love up to the light

    to marvel at its impotence
  • CrushedUnderAStackOfBookshas quotedlast year
    I am not a slow learner I am a quick forgetter

    such erasing makes one voracious if you teach me something

    beautiful I will name it quickly before it floats away
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