Evan Skolnick


Alina Rubetshas quoted2 years ago
So again, what the Hero wants and what the audience wants should be as closely matched as possible.
Alina Rubetshas quoted2 years ago
There are all kinds of Heroes, but they tend to have certain things in common. Once again, this list includes:

▪ Having desires and goals the player can identify with

▪ Changing and growing over the course of the story

▪ Taking action to resolve the conflict

▪ Taking personal risks for stakes that are equally personal

▪ Being willing to sacrifice it all
Alina Rubetshas quoted2 years ago
Every time you decide to have the Villain do something, ask yourself:

▪ What does this Villain want?

▪ What is his plan for getting it?

▪ Does this current action jibe with the previous two answers? Does it seem to be part of an evolving plan?

▪ Does it make sense? Is it believable?

▪ Does it make him look smart, stupid, or just random?
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