bookmate game

Randy Ribay


juanmanuelliehas quoted2 years ago
He never gave me his own thoughts on these topics unless I asked, and his letters would later reveal that he remembered most everything I ever told him.
juanmanuelliehas quoted2 years ago
What if she’s one of the supposedly 80 percent of Filipinos who approve, who are willing to accept Jun’s death as sacrifice for the greater good?
juanmanuelliehas quoted2 years ago
There are moments when sharing silence can be more meaningful than filling a space with empty chatter.


juanmanuellieshared an impression2 years ago

Hmmmppffff, so far, the story feels like overstretched for me, I think? It took me a long time to finish since it appears to be a slow burn. Just be careful in distinguishing some information since characters such as Tito Maning assume strong opinion- albeit conceived out of extreme fanaticism. I'm still discerning what to say in general LOL. I'm still halfway the book so I'll probably give further inputs later, if there are any.

EDIT: Soooooooo, the book was good on its own but I didn't like it that much??? The plot was decent but it was placed in a lengthy manner? To be fair, it's a YA novel din naman so it was probably great on its own. Idk HHAHAHAHAHA

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