bookmate game

Sylvain Tesson

years of life: 26 April 1972 present


Tatiana Teterevlevahas quoted2 years ago
Fifteen kinds of ketchup. That’s the sort of thing that made me want to withdraw from this world
Tatiana Teterevlevahas quoted2 years ago
It’s funny: you decide to live in a cabin, and envision yourself smoking a cigar under the open sky, lost in meditation… and you wind up checking off items on supply lists like an army quartermaster. Life comes down to grocery shopping
Tatiana Teterevlevahas quoted2 years ago
. In Russia, Formica reigns supreme. Seventy years of historical materialism have obliterated the Russian sense of aesthetics. Where does bad taste come from? Why use linoleum at all? How did kitsch take over the world? The principal phenomenon of globalization has been a worldwide embrace of the ugly. If you need convincing, just walk around a Chinese village, check out the latest decor in French post offices, or consider what tourists wear. Bad taste is the common denominator of humanity.
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