Tashie Bhuiyan

  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    “So what’s your book about?” she asks.

    I turn to her in surprise. I closed the book after my mom’s rebuke, but the story is still fresh in my mind. “You want to know?”

    “Of course,” Dadu says, smiling warmly at me. “You can tell me during the Uber ride.”

    Something dislodges in my chest as we approach the exit. “That sounds great.”
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    “Good morning,” I say, wrapping my arms around my two favorite girls. “Isn’t it a beautiful day outside?”

    Nandini rolls her eyes, running a hand through her short curls, still wet from the gloomy weather. “It’s raining, Karina.”

    “Exactly,” I say, slipping my way between her and Cora, who laughs as she scoots aside to make room.
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    Before I can protest anymore, they both press a kiss to the top of my head
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    Ace slips in front of me, gently pushing me behind him. “I’ve got it.”
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    What’s going on?” His eyebrows are furrowed now. “Do you need me to take you home?”
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    I think Ace can tell, because there’s a hint of mirth in his eyes—which now look more green than blue, but are still somehow a mix of the two—when he sees me take my last bite.

    “Would you like another slice?” he asks,
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    “So are you...all right? Are you going to be in trouble?” he asks.
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    Ace tilts his head, his stormy eyes meeting my dark brown ones. “Any time, Ahmed.”
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    There are so many burdens she carries that I wish I could help her with, but there’s only so much I can do.
  • crisuhas quoted2 years ago
    Dadu presses her leg against mine, drawing my attention to her. She offers me a small smile before turning back to my phone.
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