
Siebe Hannosset

Siebe Hannosset is a coach, bestseller author and public speaker, experienced in the topics of health, performance and lifestyle. As a Master in Sport & Movement Science, he began his football career, working with Club Brugge’s first team to reach new heights in individual and team performances. While starting his own coaching business, Siebe had to go through his own health issues, tackling Lyme’s disease. The search for a permanent cure brought him to the field of Intermittent Living, a topic he first tested, mastered and practised on his own to share his findings and knowledge with others now.

He now helps high performers—such as elite entrepreneurs, managers, and athletes— attain the highest levels of health, happiness, strength and overall performance through transformative experiences, key learnings and small hacks that provide instant wins.


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A calm mind, a fit body and an open heart. These things cannot be bought, they must be earned
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