bookmate game

Scott Pape

  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    if you want financial freedom, you need to take charge.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    you have to be prepared to stand up and fight like your life depends on it — and never, ever back down.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    Even though we’re now older, possibly partnered up, and have visible veins on our legs and hair growing out of our ears, deep down we’re all still only a few shades from that insecure little kid.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    Here’s you: I’m not that smart with money.

    Here’s me: No-one is born ‘smart with money’. It’s a learnt skill — like driving — and it has more to do with your behaviour than your brains.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    Here’s you: I don’t earn enough.

    Here’s me: It’s not about what you earn, but what you save. I’ve had clients who were cleaners their entire lives, who never earned more than the minimum wage, but used compound interest to build a million-dollar portfolio.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    Here’s you: I’ve left it too late … I should have saved more when I was younger.

    Here’s me: Stop for a second and tell me what age you’ll be when you die.

    Go on … answer that.

    I’ll wait.

    Most people don’t think about their long-term future, but nearly everyone has a specific age in mind when they’ll die.

    Next, subtract that number from your current age.

    Now you have a ballpark figure for how many years you’ve got left on the planet.

    The question is: What are you going to do with them?

    You can continue living in the past, beating yourself up about the money mistakes you made when you were younger, telling yourself you’ve left it too late … or you can rise up and make yourself proud.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    Here’s you: The economy sucks.

    Here’s me: More millionaires were created in the Great Depression than at any other time. Author and physician Peter Diamandis found that in the past century the average lifespan has doubled, while the average income has tripled. Food is 10 times cheaper, electricity is 20 times cheaper, transport is 100 times cheaper and communication is 1000 times cheaper. These are the good old days.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    Stop with the excuses
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    True and lasting success is knowing deep in your bones that you have the freedom to tread your own path in life, and the ability to protect those you love.
  • Kevinhas quoted2 years ago
    if you’re going to create an amazing life that isn’t dictated by financial fears, you’ve got to work together and back each other up. There’s no time for indecision — you’re fighting for your family.
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