Duchess of Margaret Cavendish Newcastle


b3549394403has quoted2 years ago
Now this new World was found, it was not made,
b3549394403has quoted2 years ago
The Lady now finding her self in so strange a place, and amongst such wonderful kind of Creatures, was extreamly strucken with fear, and could entertain no other Thoughts, but that every moment her life was to be a sacrifice to their cruelty; but those Bear-like Creatures, how terrible soever they appear'd to her sight, yet were they so far from exercising any cruelty upon her, that rather they shewed her all civility and kindness imaginable; for she being not able to go upon the Ice, by reason of its slipperiness, they took her up in their rough arms, and carried her into their City,

La Dama, que ahora se encontraba en un lugar tan extraño y entre Criaturas tan maravillosas, estaba extremadamente asustada y no podía tener más pensamientos que el de que cada momento de su vida iba a ser un sacrificio a su crueldad; pero esas Criaturas parecidas a Osos, por terribles que parecieran a su vista, sin embargo, estaban tan lejos de ejercer crueldad sobre ella, que más bien le mostraron toda la cortesía y amabilidad imaginables; porque al no poder caminar sobre el Hielo, debido a su resbaladiza, la llevaron en brazos. sus brazos ásperos, y la llevaron a su ciudad,

b3549394403has quoted2 years ago
which after she had obtained so far, that partly by some words and signs she was able to apprehend their meaning, she was so far from being afraid of them, that she thought her self not onely safe, but very happy in their company: By which we may see, that Novelty discomposes the mind, but acquaintance settles it in peace and tranquillity. At last, having passed by several rich Islands and Kingdoms, they went towards Paradise, which was the seat of the Emperor; and coming in sight of it, rejoiced very much; the Lady at first could perceive nothing but high Rocks, which seemed to touch the Skies; and although they appear'd not of an equal heigth, yet

lo cual, después de haber llegado tan lejos, que en parte por algunas palabras y signos pudo aprehender su significado, estaba tan lejos de temerles, que se creía no solo segura, sino muy feliz en su compañía: por lo que podemos ver que la Novedad descompone la mente, pero el conocimiento la instala en paz y tranquilidad. Al fin, después de haber pasado por varias Islas y Reinos ricos, se dirigieron hacia el Paraíso, que era la sede del Emperador; y al verlo, se regocijaron mucho; la Dama al principio no pudo percibir nada más que Rocas altas, que parecían tocar los Cielos; y aunque no parecían de igual altura, sin embargo

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