bookmate game

The Bicycling


Ночь нежнаhas quoted2 years ago
As he graduates to a bike with two hand brakes, explain that the front brake provides about 75 percent of the bike’s total stopping power, and should be used with greater finesse than the rear.
Ночь нежнаhas quoted2 years ago
Rest = It’s important to take at least one day per week—but no more than two—completely off the bike. (Easy riding helps you recover better than inactivity.)
Ночь нежнаhas quoted2 years ago
Aches and pains crop up during long rides. To minimize them, move.

A) Periodically change hand positions, keeping your thumbs wrapped around the bar or brake lever for security.

B) To relieve your neck and shoulders, shrug for 5 to 10 seconds.

C) On a clear stretch of road, reach one hand up between your shoulders for a few seconds, then swap hands.

D) Stand up and drop one pedal so your leg is straight. Let your heel sag below the pedal. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch legs.—Alex Stieda
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