Marie Reynard

  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    He sucked Hunter’s cock like it was his life’s purpose, not just his job.
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    What the actual fuck?
    Why didn’t Hunter want Richard to cuddle him?
    Or to fuck him again this goddamn second?
    Could he not see Richard was half-hard?
    Wait. Why would he care if Hunter wanted to be cuddled? That wasn’t his job.
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    And god, Richard’s dinners. The man cooked as well as he fucked—an utterly unfair combination.
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    he diced vegetables for the tabbouleh while Hunter attempted to peel the carrots they’d be using for dipping. His peeling technique was only slightly concerning. It seemed decently unlikely he’d lose a finger in the process.
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    No matter what they cooked, Hunter was the best scent in their kitchen.
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    Richard lowered them into the hot water and settled Hunter into his lap. Their bodies fit against each other in a way that bordered on divine, and when he sank into Hunter, the only words that existed in the universe were ‘home’ and ‘mine.’
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 months ago
    “Let me top tonight.”
    Richard didn’t hesitate to agree. Hunter wanted it so Richard wanted to give it to him. He wanted to give him everything.
  • Лера Третьякhas quotedlast month
    “You didn’t answer. What do I smell like?”
    “Like home,”
  • Лера Третьякhas quotedlast month
    He’d known that from the moment he’d woken up with Hunter in his arms and realized he’d do the same tomorrow. That alone made him feel like everything would be alright, regardless of how this went. He’d never felt more sure and settled in his life.
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