
Richard Osman


Anahas quotedlast year
‘I’d welcome a burglar. It would be nice to have a visitor.’
Anahas quotedlast year
‘God save us from window locks, WPC De Freitas.’

‘It’s just PC now,’ says Donna.

‘I see,’ says Elizabeth, lips pursing. ‘And what happens if I still choose to say WPC? Will there be a warrant for my arrest?’

‘No, but I’ll think a bit less of you,’ says Donna. ‘Because it’s a really simple thing to do, and it’s more respectful to me.’

‘Damn! Checkmate. OK,’ says Elizabeth, and unpurses her lips.
Anahas quotedlast year
‘Don’t be taken in by Joyce, PC De Freitas. She is the type who “gets things done”.’

‘I’m just organized,’ says Joyce. ‘It’s out of fashion. If I say I’m going to Zumba, I go to Zumba. That’s just me.


Anashared an impression5 months ago
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    Richard Osman
    The Last Devil To Die
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  • Anashared an impressionlast year
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