Olivia Seltzer


shubhankar zingrehas quotedlast month
not even a month after the official end of the war, reps from fifty countries got together in San Francisco to talk peace. And agreed that the whole idea of the Allied forces (multiple countries coming together to fight for a cause) should stick around.
shubhankar zingrehas quoted17 days ago
an effort to get Jews on the side of the Allied powers during the First World War, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration. This basically said that the British supported the idea of “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” It alsoooo said that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” Point being: they believed Jews should get an official homeland—but not at the expense of other groups already living there.
shubhankar zingrehas quoted17 days ago
for the most part, everyone was cool with this plan . . . especially since the Brits were going around making the same promise to the Muslim leaders of the surrounding Arab countries (see: the Hussein-McMahon correspondence). You read that right—Britain
was essentially offering the land to both sides at the same time.
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