
Errico Malatesta

  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    The difficulty which Anarchists meet with in spreading their views does not depend upon the name they have given themselves, but upon the fact that their conceptions strike at all the inveterate prejudices that people have about the function of government, or the State, as it is called.
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    Suppose a doctor brings forward a complete theory, with a thousand ably invented illustrations, to persuade that man with the bound limb whom we were describing, that, if his limb were freed, he could not walk, could not even live. The man would defend his bands furiously, and consider any one his enemy who tried to tear them off.
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    constitution of a free and equal society, based upon harmony of interests, and the voluntary contribution of all to the satisfaction of social needs.

    Anarchism isn't against the social order and well-being of the people, but instead asks for it, for letting people think by themselves and fight against the oppression of by privileged minority

  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    State is used also simply as a synonym for society.
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    the word State, meaning thereby that collection of institutions, political, legislative, judicial, military, financial, etc.,
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    In this case the word State means government
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    Thus the word State is often used to indicate any given society,
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    State again is meant only the supreme administration of a country, the central power, distinct from provincial or communal power
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    others think that Anarchists wish merely for a territorial decentralization, leaving the principle of government intact, and thus confounding Anarchy with cantonal or communal government.
  • natashi2006has quoted2 years ago
    would be better to use the expression abolition of the State as little as possible, and to substitute for it another clearer and more concrete--abolition of government.
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