
Gav Thorpe

Gav spent 14 years as a developer for Games Workshop, and started writing novels and short stories in the worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 when the Black Library imprint was launched in 1997. He continues to write for Black Library, and his first 'homegrown' novel series The Crown of the Blood has been released via Angry Robot.Currently living in Nottingham, Gav shares his home with his loving and very understanding partner and a mechanical hamster called Dennis.


Prisoner of Warhammerhas quoted2 months ago
What use the weapon forged without the hand to wield it? It needs more than a mighty weapon to make a mighty warrior! Even if the metal is strong, how shall it prevail if the flesh that bears it is unready?
Prisoner of Warhammerhas quoted2 months ago
doubt is the first chink in the armour of righteousness.
Prisoner of Warhammerhas quoted2 months ago
It is by faith that men prove themselves,’ he said. ‘It is through trust that men are made brothers.
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