
Hoe Phases, Trust, and Working Together with Lauren Riihimaki and Jeremy Lewis of Wild ‘Til 9

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We're getting wild with our friends (and newly engaged couple) Lauren Riihimaki (aka @LaurDIY) and Jeremy Lewis of Wild ‘Til 9 podcast. We chat about the roller coaster of their dating origin story, Lauren's surprising opening line, trust and privacy, how to feel about your partner's sexual past/hoe phase, and tips for making a relationship work when you live, work, and play together. We also discuss why men tend to drift apart from their friends when they get into relationships when women don't. Before our guests join us, we're talking about knowing when to say yes to a trip and when to say no, and unpacking the "Are we dating the same guy?" Facebook groups. Enjoy!
Follow Lauren on Instagram @LaurDIY and YouTube, Jeremy @jeremymichael22, and check out the Wild 'Til 9 podcast.
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