
037 - 6 Lessons Starting a Podcast Has Taught Me

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Over the years, I've learned so many lessons from starting a podcast.
When I started one back in 2014, I didn't expect just how much joy it would bring me and how much value it would add to my life.

So, in honor of International Podcast Day, I wanted to share the 6 lessons starting a podcast has taught me. If you're thinking of starting one or thinking about giving up on yours, then this episode is definitely for you.
Now, some people might say that there are too many podcasts out there and the medium is oversaturated, but guess what?
People have been saying the same exact thing since when I started my first podcast back in 2014!
There might be a ton of podcasts out there, but that shouldn't discourage you from sharing your unique voice with people who truly need to hear what you have to say.

Why You Should Start a PodcastStarting a podcast has given me so many amazing opportunities to chat with guests who intrigue and fascinate me. These guests are often doing really neat things, some of which I'd love to do and some which I'd never do but still admire.
Another thing I love about podcasts is the versatility of them.
The quality of podcasts has gone through the roof within the last few years alone, and some have whole production crews and hefty budgets behind them. Whereas I like to keep mine advert free by paying for my podcast by myself.
Speaking of which, if you're a fan of the Untapped show where I teach you how to unlock your potential and get paid to be you, then show some love by sending me a coffee or dinner.

6 Lessons I Learned From Starting a PodcastLesson 1: Podcasts are amazing for personal development and learning.Whether you prefer having guests in a more interview style podcast or prefer offering a more solo teaching podcast, podcasts are sure to make you learn and develop.
If you decide to have guests on your podcast, then you'd obviously be learning from their experiences and perspectives whereas researching topics on your own and sharing your personal experiences can also be a great way to develop.
Personally, I love both of these styles.
Lately, I've been loving having people come on Untapped and share their unique experiences and outlooks on topics that relate to what I try to teach everyday: how to get paid to be you.
The people that I usually invite on my show are people I find fascinating and who have something to teach both me and you. These guests have done some incredible things and have so many gold nuggets of wisdom that I absolutely love sharing with all of you who tune in.
While my style of podcasting is more of an informal conversation where I do a little bit of background research and then ask questions during the interview that I'm really curious about, I also think more formatted and planned out interviews can be successful, too.

Lesson 2: Podcasts can force you to become more disciplined and consistent with content creation.Speaking of planning, podcasts have been the one medium that I've been able to be consistent with since the early days of my business.
That's not a coincidence.
In fact, podcasts are incredibly great tools for making you become more disciplined and produce content on a consistent basis.
When I first started out at podcasting, I was super inconsistent. But, knowing that my listeners were expecting a new episode each week forced me to stick to a schedule and have everything released by their deadlines.
What I found to be helpful is to do a batch of interviews so that I'm weeks ahead. This also helps everyone on my team to get all of their tasks done in advance so that nothing slips through the cracks.
I've also been able to create an incredible SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that is super detailed and precise so that anyone who joins my team will immediately know how to create, publish, and promote the podcast.
We have also have a template in Asana that has everyone assigned to their respective tasks where they can mark off once they've completed something.
If you've been struggling to put out content and stick to your schedule, I highly recommend using a podcast to get you back on track!

Lesson 3: Podcasts are fantastic business tools.The fact that you have people turning up each week to listen to what you have to say is a powerful testament to how podcasts can be used to grow your business.
Podcasts can build up your credibility, authority, and integrity in whatever it is you want to share or teach.
For me, I make sure my episodes focus on living a lifestyle of freedom by teaching people how to get paid to be them.
My listeners can count on learning something that will help them in these areas whenever they tune in to an episode of Untapped. And I've learned that when your audience feels like they can trust you, they're more likely to become clients or customers.
It's also more likely that people will recommend your podcasts to other people, which cultivates a truly wonderful cycle of engagement and exposure.

Lesson 4: Podcasts are great revenue-generating tools.Along with being fantastic business tools, podcasts are also great tools for generating revenue.
With tons of sponsorships and advertisement opportunities out there nowadays, you could easily create a passive revenue stream for yourself.
Personally, I like to keep my podcasts advert free, but I will participate in sponsorships if they feel right and are relevant to what I'm sharing.
I never promote anything just for the sake of promoting it, and I like to think that has helped build up my credibility.
Aside from the ads and sponsorships, podcasts are also wonderful avenues for promoting your own products and offerings.
So, not only could you generate a passive revenue stream from promoting things you really love and use on a daily basis, but you could also generate a more active revenue stream by promoting your own stuff to an audience you know will be interested!

Lesson 5: Podcasts create lasting friendships and bonds.The people that I've met over the years on my show and other shows are unforgettable.
I may have forgotten the shows I've been on, or the specifics on what we talked about, but I never forget the bonds that I make with the people I've chatted with.
My latest guest on Untapped, Jenny Plant, was actually a guest 3 years ago and reached out to me again recently about being back on my show. I said yes, of course, and it was really neat to see how she had grown and fallen back in love with her business during that 3 year period.
I love giving people a platform, and I know that I've been grateful to others who have done the same for me.
It's really important for us as creators to support one another, and it's a total win-win situation. So, if you have been a guest on any of my podcasts or if I was a guest on yours, this one is for you and I'd love to have you back on my show or come back on yours.
Also, a special shout out to Rolly, my podcast editor, who has been listening to my voice for quite some time now and always delivers fantastic final products. Thank you for the work that you do!

Lesson 6: Podcasts let your voice be heard.Looking at the stats for my podcast, there are about a 100 or so countries where my podcast is being listened to.
Crazy, right?
That's the incredible power of podcasts!
They allow you to distribute your voice, your message, and your experiences all across the globe to tons of diverse communities.
That is a gift.
That is a privilege.
And, really, all I have to do is a hold a mic and start recording.
So, if you have something to say, say it.
I promise you, you'll be surprised at how many people will want to listen.

So, if you enjoyed the 6 lessons I learned from starting a podcast, then make sure to check out the full episode where I dive more into all the details of each lesson.
Also, share this post with anyone you'd think would benefit from it and send some love if you're a fan of the Untapped show. I'll be sure to send some love back to you and give you a shout out on my next episode.

The Top 10 Episodes of UntappedAs a fun little bonus, here's a list of the top episodes of Untapped. If any of them intrigue you or sound interesting, give the full episode a listen and let me know what your thoughts are after!

#10: 6 Rules to Finish What You StartIn this episode, I share the 6 rules to finishing what you start and how to apply them and also share how to write a manifesto.

#9: Why Consistency is Your Secret WeaponIn this podcast I share how my training has progressively stacked to build a better, faster, stronger than me and how you can apply that in life, the power of mind over matter to get you through the tough times and the 3 key things I’ve layered into this journey that have led to my success so far.

#8: Intentions vs Goal Setting – Which is Best To Succeed in Life?In this episode, you'll learn the difference between goals and intentions and how to apply intentions to your life goals.

#7: 6 Ways To Tap Into Your Human PotentialHere are a few key ways I’m going to live up to and even beyond my potential throughout the course of my life, this podcast, my vlog and as I live write a book on this very topic, that I hope you can apply to.

#6: The Simple Way to Crush Your Next 90 DaysIn this episode I share with you my process for setting my quarterly goals and intentions, and making sure they are spread across the 8 categories of life I value most and why focusing across these areas gives you a more balanced approach to working towards goals and intentions that will improve your whole life, not just your money or work situation.

#5: The 30 Minute Business Plan TemplateIn this podcast, I literally walk you through what my next 3 months looks like for my business so you can have a crack at writing up your quarterly One Page Biz Plan.

#4: 10 Questions to Unlock Your PotentialI came across a Lifehack article and it caught my attention because it was called “10 Questions That Will Unlock Your Potential” and I thought how appropriate given the newly launched Untapped Podcast – Live up to your potential. So I took the ten questions and answered them for myself, and I’d love you to do the same because they are juicy, and they WILL help you unlock your potential.

#3: Meditation is the Key to EverythingI jumped at the chance to dive deeper into why meditation and mindfulness are transforming peoples’ lives more than ever, in this interview with Dr Elise Bialylew. She’s a coach, meditation teacher and social entrepreneur who trained as a doctor and psychiatrist.

#2: Four Steps to Self MotivationJust how self-motivated are you? Are you prepared to take charge of your goals and achievements? Or do you set goals, knowing you won’t really work towards them, because they scare your or are too complex?
In this podcast you’ll learn the four factors necessary to build the strongest levels of self-motivation you can.

#1: How Sigrun Grew Her Business to Seven Figures in Four YearsIn no less than four years, Sigrun built her business up from five figures in her first year, by offering 1-1 coaching. Less than four years later, she scaled her business model to hit seven figures in revenue with group masterminds, retreats and her signature (and legendary) program SOMBA. She knew there needed to be a better training out there for women entrepreneurs, so she created it and boldly named it Sigrun’s Online MBA.

Podcast ResourcesGrab my FREE Get Paid to Be YOU Guide
The #1 tool EVERY online content creator should be using
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